from big sis jean

1957 September 12

Created by jean grant 16 years ago
I was there the day my new baby sister was born .We lived in a small attic room at the top of the building .The midwife came up the stairs carrying a black medical bag [ although i didn't know that's what is was at the time ] She said to me i have your new sister in this bag , bet you Carol didn't like that it was a small bag ha ha . She looked so different from me . I thought she was a boy .I slept in a bed recess those old enough will know what that is ,it had a curtain across it ,and i had a gold coloured quilt .I don't know how long we lived there but Carol was walking by the time we moved to Tannahill cresent ,near where nana lives now .Carol's cot was next to the bed sette where our mum and dad slept One morning we woke up Carol was standing up in her cot ,underneath the cot our cat slept in a basket,she had kittens during the night .I don't know what happened to the cat when we moved .I think you were supposed to put butter on its paws so it didn't get lost.